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Magnus "Steps" Craig is part of the elite three-man Special Tracking Unit of the FBI. Called in on special cases where his skills are particularly needed, he works as a tracker. The media dubs him "The Human Bloodhound," since Steps is renowned for his incredible ability to find and follow trails over any surface better than anyone else. But there's a secret to his success. Steps has a special ability---a kind of synesthesia---where he can see the 'essence' of a person, something he calls 'shine, ' on everything they've touched. His ability is known to only a few people---his father, the director of the FBI, and his partner, Special Agent Jimmy Donovan. When the remains of a murdered woman are found, Steps recognizes the shine left by the murderer from another crime scene with a physically similar victim. And he uncovers the signature at both scenes---the mark of a sad face. At the same time, another killer, one Steps has dubbed Leonardo and has been trying to track for over ten years, appears again, taunting Steps. But while Steps tries to find a clue that will lead him to Leonardo, the case of the Sad Face Killer heats up. The team uncovers eleven possible victims: missing women who fit the same pattern. Using his skill and the resources of the Bureau, it is a race against time to find the killer before it's too late.

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I want to follow her everywhere she goes, reflect on every thought in this moving story, and make a meal of "A Mouthful of Stars." I loved being immersed in the context of each recipe, and was impressed by how effortlessly Kim can transport dishes from near, far, and wide to her own kitchen and into ours.a a " MARTHA ROSE SHULMAN, food columnist for the "New York Times" Bestselling author of "Trail of Crumbs "and former food editor Kim SunA(c)e offers up her first cookbook.A "A Mouthful of Stars: A Constellation of Amazing Recipes from My World Travels "is a collection of Kim's interpretation of cherished recipes and cooking discoveries from across the globe.A lyrical, intimate, and completely radical look at the life of animals human and other "Being a Beast" mingles neuroscience and psychology, nature writing and memoir to cross the boundaries separating the species.As Olympiodorus addresses mainly Christian students, he tells them that the different words they use are often symbols of truths shared between their faiths.", Olympiodorus (AD "c." 500-570), possibly the last non-Christian teacher of philosophy in Alexandria, delivered 28 lectures as an introduction to Plato.How to set up your Arduino environment with Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, How to choose Arduino Shields and key tools such as power adapters, testing equipment and design software, Neat techniques on soldering etc.REA is the acknowledged leader in CLEP preparation, with the most extensive library of CLEP titles and software available.A Traveler's Guide to Reading and Studying the Bible" by George H.Four-color paintings help you visualize, one of the critical ingredients of reading comprehension.Taken on its own, each brief essay is an engaging discussion of key elements of Vietnamese culture and the history of an issue confronting Vi't Nam today., During his twenty-year tenure as a columnist for Vi?t Nam News, Hà N?i's English-language newspaper, H?u Ng?c charmed and invigorated an international readership hungry for straightforward but elegant entrees into understanding Vietnamese culture.