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V. Santhakumar - Schooling for All : Can We Neglect the Demand? read online book MOBI, DOC


Does substantial expansion of educational facilities by itself create the required demand for education? Since demand for education depends on many socio-economic, political, and religious factors, is the supply of free schooling alone adequate? Schooling for All demonstrates that there isstill a substantial need to create demand for schooling among all levels of society, especially in those socio-economic groups which are yet to see the importance of education. The volume critically analyses the primary drawbacks of the Indian education system-non-enrolment, dropouts, irregular attendance, and inadequate learning. It establishes the need to strongly encourage parents to recognize the importance of education for their children's future. Arguing thatsupply-side strategies - free education, midday meals, opening more schools - have not proved effective since the problem of inadequate demand is much larger, the authors delineate the measures that are required to boost the demand for education in India., The book demonstrates that children belonging to specific socioeconomic groups are more likely to drop out of schools, attend irregularly, and learn less even if they are in school in India. Their parents do not demonstrate adequate demand for schooling. These people do not see education contributing to a better life for their children. This could be, as argued in the book, due to a number of reasons, including their dependence on low-productivity from agriculture or unskilled labour, not seeing many people from their social group getting the benefits of education, and absence of social mobilizations which have focused on education of the under-privileged groups in many parts of India. This problem of low demand for schooling continues despite a marked improvement in the provisioning of schools in the country. This book argues that the problems of schooling in India cannot be addressed merely by providing more and better quality schools. There is a need to strongly encourage parents (especially those belonging to certain social groups and in specific regions) to keep children in schools, to see that they attend regularly, and to ensure that children learn adequately. Though mid-day meals, Right to Education Act, etc., are meant for this purpose, more efforts are needed in this direction., The volume critically analyses the primary drawbacks of the Indian education system-non-enrolment, dropouts, irregular attendance, and inadequate learning. It establishes the need to strongly encourage parents to recognize the importance of education for their children's future. Arguing that supply-side strategies-free education, midday meals, opening more schools-have not proved effective since the problem of inadequate demand is much larger, the authorsdelineate the measures that are required to boost the demand for education in India.

Schooling for All : Can We Neglect the Demand? read ebook DJV, EPUB

All six special education tests in the Praxis II series are covered in this book, which includes focused subject reviews and a full-length practice test for each subject assessment exam., Covers all 6 Praxis ll special education subject area assessments., The book covers six indidual Special Education tests, all under the Praxis II series: 0351: Examinees planning to teach in a special education program at any grade level 0352: Examinees planning to teach in a special education program at any grade level 0690: Examinees planning to teach in a special education program in pre-kindergarten through grade 1 0371: Examinees planning to teach students with behavioral disorders and/or emotional disturbance at any grade level 0381: Examinees planning to teach students with learning disabilities at any grade level 0321: Examinees planning to teach students with mental retardation at any grade level The book includes subject review chapters and a full-length practice test for each subject assessment test.REA '� Real review, Real practice, Real results.This book is the must-have guide to everything you need to know about how journalism works.Through these and other projects in The Spinning Blackboard, you can learn the science behind the principles of force and motion.Invaluable as a core text for courses on foundations of music education or philosophy of music education at both the undergraduate and graduate level,Music Mattersprovides educators with critically reasoned perspectives on the "why, what, and how" of music teaching and learning, arguing convincingly that music is one of the most vital, dynamic, and practical pursuits in the human repertoire and, therefore, fundamental to the full development of the individual and collective self.A volume in the International Sourcebooks in Mathematics and Science Education Series Editor: Bharath Sriraman, The University of Montana Mathematics and Science education have both grown in fertile directions in different geographic regions.Key topics explored through nearly 400 entries include: - Technology used in the online classroom - Institutions that have contributed to the growth of online education - Pedagogical basis and strategies of online education - Effectiveness and assessment - Different types of online education and best practices - The changing role of online education in the global education systemA new title from Routledge Major Works, this is a four-volume collection of cutting-edge and canonical research., The intersection of education and religion raises complex questions and provokes heated--sometimes fraught--debates.Framed by a cultural historical activity theory (CHAT) perspective, chapters use key qualitative research to determine how specific factors can help and hinder the effective preparation of teachers, illuminating contradictory dynamics between local and national policies, teacher education programs, and pre-service views and classroom realities.